Athar al-rafedain Journal (AARJ) is a trusted scientific journal that examines the monuments of Iraq and the ancient Near East, as well as ancient languages with their dialects and comparative studies, as well as cuneiform writings and ancient fonts, and it is also concerned with ancient history and ancient civilizations, this journal is issued twice a year by the College of Archaeology, University of Mosul, Mosul - Iraq since 2012.  It is an open access journal published under the license of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY). It also uses the double-blind evaluating review system to ensure the quality of publications. Athar al-rafedain journal publishes  original researches and reviewing researches, and the analysis of cuneiform texts and reports of archaeological excavations, it is one of the Iraqi journals that are known internationally, regionally and locally. 
Open Access Policy
Athar al-rafedain Journal (AARJ) is an open access journal, which means that all articles are available on the internet to all users immediately upon publication, without requiring a subscription to the journal. Thus, all papers published in AARJ are distributed under the open access license agreement. Under this license, authors retain ownership of the copyright for their work, but allow anyone to download, re-use, re-print, modify, distribute or copy the content as long as the original authors and source are cited properly.
 Publication fee

The fees for publishing a research in Athar Al-Rafedain journal are (115,000) One Hundred and Fifteen Thousand Iraqi dinars IQD. Athar al-rafedain journal does not receive any financial support from governmental or non-governmental organizations, and it depends on self-funding.

All submitted manuscripts are checked for similarity through trustworthy named iThenticate to be assured about their orginality.